From: Michelle Skolyak
To: 'Anthony J. Guarnieri'
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 5:29 PM
Subject: RE: New family member /Updated
Hi Anthony. Here are some changes from my dad:
- clark, helbert=CLARK, HILBERT HOLT (GRANDFATHER)MAR 12,1925 TO SEP 1965
- guarnieri, angelo=GUARNIERI, ANGELO (GRANDUNCLE)MAY17,1911 TO DEC 8, 1988
- guarnieri, donny=jan 4 1949 to may 2, 1968 (died in a gang fight)
- guarnieri, mark=jun 15,1950 to jul 19,1963 (died falling out of a high tree)
- lowery, mary=(GRANDMOTHER) SEP 27, 1925 TO OCT 1, 1977
Be sure to thank him. Also Uncle Joe changed his name to GARNER because too many of his sons were getting killed (Carl on a motorcycle)(Donnie in a fight)Mark (falling out of a tree) and his daughter Gloria lost her mind a little after Carl died, then his wife (Dolly)had a stroke and his job moved 70 miles from where he lived. And somehow he blamed the family for awhile and changed their names. Thanks, Michelle